If you cut your kids‘ hair, or do occasional beard trims and wet shaves for friends and relatives, you have probably considered turning those skills into a paying profession. In Virginia, you must obtain a barber’s license from an accredited barber school to do so. That’s where we come in. Virginia Barber School is an established, accredited barber school whose graduates have gone on to personal and professional success in Richmond, VA, and the surrounding communities. Enroll in traditional or online learning today. Men and women of all ages and cultural backgrounds are welcome here!
Virginia Barber School
1152 Wilkinson Rd
Richmond, Virginia 23227
Admissions office
Phone: 804.264.0800
Fax: +1 (804) 264-0800
E-mail : daltonking4@aol.com or dlking@thevirginiabarberschool.com
Our department heads are also available for subject-related questions.
Office Hours of the Admissions Office
10am to 7pm Tue - Fri